
Name: Joyce Poh
School: Singapore Polytechnic
Course: Dip in Music and Audio Technology (Yr3)
Age: 19
DateOfBirth: 27October1988

Comedy/Romance Movies
People who cares
Smiling =)

Unappreciative ppl
Horror Movies
World War/Home War
Making Decisions
Yam, EggPlant and Lady's Fingers

Peace & Harmony
Know myself & others better
Everyone I care are healthy including myself
Jaw faster heal!!
Happy and more energetic

no rest..

Dear Diary,

Aww.. im so tired as usual.. thought after exam will be relaxed a bit but like more stressed.. this morning went to sch super early at 9am.. asked erica to help me with my harmony.. She's so nice! helped me think of more harmony and edited my original harmony to make it sound better. =) Thanks a lot Erica! Then Michael lent me his western flute!! so nice of him too.. haha.. so happy.. open hole flute.. im gonna prac it cos he wants to hear me play next time.. stress again.. but so happy!!! =)) Thanks, Michael!!

Tin hee also came and chatted with me.. i'm going to apply a few scholarships to try out and hopefully can receive them and lessen my financial burden for keele uni next yr.. maybe end up will be going other universities.. but then after chatting with tin hee, i feel super stressed now! cos i suck at interviews!! don't know how to answer questions and when i get nervous, i dun even know what i'm talking about.. hai.. and they look more on academic results too though CCA also play a bit of part.. but academic definitely comes first.. Since my grades are not really good.. Tin Hee say i'll lose on this part cos will be fighting with JC students too.. so she wants me to improve on my interview skills.. hai.. so stressed! i'm so bad at talking.......logically and properly.. =( I hope i will overcome my speech prob.. and be more logical and focus.. i just know im SUPER good at dreaming..

Then the rest of the time I edited and prepared my lyrics and songs for my recording from 4pm-6pm. So tiring.. then our group discussed for our MUMI project on the 25min video clip to create backgroung music and sound effects for the other team. I chose the last part.. the part where the boy commited suicide bcos' he was wrongfully accused of killing another guy.. lol.. that part should be interesting.. but they havent filmed finish yet.. so have to wait.. but i roughly have an idea of what i wanna put for the scene..whahahaha! After that 3pm went to have webpage lesson.. gosh man! dunno wad the lecturer was teaching about.. we just basically copy wad he type on the dreamweaver software.. i hate IT stuffs.. cos im nuts at it! so hard and confusing.. all the shortforms.. < / html > < a href > and wadever.. so confusing.. he nv explain much also.. cos i feel that he dun really know wad he's teaching. Instead, i feel that the lesson is like a typing lesson.. see how fast u can type.. lol! -.-

After that, recording time.. Chiew Hsia helped me with my recording.. i sang till so funny! cos the harmony too high then had to sing!! kept laughing and laughing.. but lastly managed to finish recording on time..hehehe.. now the sian part is i have to tune all the 9 vocal tracks i have! and re-mix my whole song.. haiiiiiiiiiii.. tedious work.. but luckily can do at home.. =)

After recording, went to EXPO with chiew hsia, mei hui and her meimei.. to see lap tops.. her sis also wanna buy lap top.. then we went around all the lap top brand booths to check out.. then we decided to buy VAIO.. cos the specs are good.. got free upgrade.. though a bit ex but below 2K.. should be ok.. haha.. pink color looks nice. but then run out of stock le.. so will need to wait for about 2 weeks or so.. think will go and buy on sun.. my father so good man! promised my sis say if she can go to sec sch, will buy laptop for her.. but my sis very good too.. say will share with me.. dunno la.. haix.. so tired man.. Thanks a lot, chiew hsia for helping us see which laptops are good and helping me record.. next wk my turn to help her out.. =D

Chiew Hsia also lent me Fantasy Couple VCD!! Super NICE!!! And FUNNY!! haha.. i laugh till my stomach pain!! You all can go buy the DVD or VCD.. really worth it to buy!! Its about a super wealthy woman, Ana Jo, who is so rich, pampered and audacious that nothing could ever please her.. then one day she lost her memory due to an accident on a yacht, and somehow got 'cheated' by this guy,Jang Chul Soo, who she offended before, to become his ex-gf. but her job was mainly to be a nanny to take care of his 3 nephews..FOC..for revenge. But somehow after living with him, her spoiled selfishness suddenly turn into compassion. And then soon she finds herself falling in love with her so-called 'enemy'...

I give 5 stars man! ^^ though im still watching it halfway..hehehe..

Series of Events..

Dear Diary,

Didnt went school. cos lecture was cancelled then only 2hrs practical then the timing was so sian 2-4pm. by the time reach home couldnt prac dizi liao.. so whole day.. prac dizi.. prac till my ears very painful.. think neighbours more pain.. lol..

Then called Shu Rong to ask her about when is SYCO re-audition.. then told her i till now havent receive my scores yet! then she said is this coming thurs! shuay man.. thought audition will be like evening time.. but then guess wad.. it's at 2.30pm.. by right mine is at 3.15pm.. but i last one.. then sian la! i told her i having my diploma exam on thus too at NUS 2pm.. then should be ending at 2.30pm.. then from clementi rush down to SCH need time at least 30-45mins.. then asked her whether can i join other instruments or take earlier.. but she said cant.. then sian liao.. hai.. i told her tt i'll rush down asap after my exam.. and luckily she agreed.. stupid postman!

Didnt feel like going sch but cos' Geoff teaching new stuffs..surround sound miking.. so impt.. so went in the afternoon class morning can prac dizi..poor ear.. then 5pm had an interview at SCH for usher.. Royston recommended me.. Then Hazel was interested too.. Lessons ended early at the right time.. by right should be ending at 530pm de.. heng ar..Learnt many new things.. surround sound rocks!!

then went with Hazel.. then also shun bian went to collect my SYCO audition scores.. -.- one page only.. quite easy.. jiang jun lin Basically i think i screwed up my interview.. the person like face so black.. then say in an uninterested tone 'We'll consider your application..blah blah".. hai.. but the pay good $7.. they want to hire for long term de and we only can work on weekends.. so think i most prob won't get e job.. so ma fan too.. have to put on make-up..tie up hair.. my hair so short and uneven how to tie -.-"" bleah.......
This reminds me of when i was working at Orchard Cafe.. so ma fan also.. eewkk! But think Hazel's interview like quite well.. =)

Really really didnt felt like going sch..cos next day KABOOM But went cos need to be responsible of my group work.. wait pang seh Chiew Hsia i'll feel anyway lessons from 9am-12pm.. Surprisingly, we didnt continue on our last week's assignment.. erica told us to redo the indian commercial clip background music.. haha. the clip was so funny!! go check it out on youtube.. its about a permanent ink marker advertisement. We watched a few different movies for a very short while.. to hear the background music.. whaha.. i wanna borrow Home of the Range DVD.. looks nice!! Then erica gave us a clip done by some SP students from other course.. the clip not very well done.. so bit confusing.. robot.. like copy transformer, matrix and star wars idea leh.. sian.. must do that for our next assignment.. put music and sound effects into the clip..
Then after lunch with our gang, i headed home.. prac dizi!! My ears more and more painful. can hear ringing sound.. poor neighbours..but surprisingly no one complained about my flute leh.. lol

Today's my BIG BIG BIG day! whahaha! 9am went to hong lao shi's house for last min prac and things to take note of.. Lao shi's so great!! He's the best dizi instructor i have! Happy that he's concerned about me.. yesterday asked me wanna have lesson today.. =)) hehehe.. so I decided not to let him down.. but when i reached his house.. hai.. i went to toilet 2 times.. diarrhoea.. think too nervous le.. hai.. reminds me of 2004 when i was taking my grade 7 exam.. i also had diarrhoea.. hai.. Then lao shi so funny.. he chose some parts for me to play.. dun need to play the whole 3 songs finish.. cos only 30mins.. if play finish 3 concertos.. will be about Then I made a lot of mistakes esp the kuai4 ban3. too nervous le.. Then lao shi encouraged me and wished me good luck..

After that, went home and rushed to change my di mo.. prepare stuffs like scores and other things.. then i decided to take taxi.. cos scared will be late. OMG man! the taxi driver super disgusting and weird!! he kept making a disgusting sound.. like keep blowing out his pi3 sai4.. so er xin! should have sat behind instead.. then he didnt know how to go to the CFA studios at NUS.. then made a lot of U turns and stop.. purposely wanna delay time.. then ended up the fare was $16.70!! damn ex la!! hai.. then ended up i had to walk a long way up to the Studio by myself cos' he didnt know where is it.. >.< Then i reached 1 hr earlier.. supposed to reach at 1.30pm. then 1.30pm then they start the registration. so sat down to cool myself down.. then cant believe i was the first to go in.. followed by Pei Qi.. both of us so nervous! lol.. Luckily my diarrohea ok liao..

Then I went in greeted the two judges Li Zhen lao shi and i think the other lady is his wife ba.. they quite old man.. but friendly.. Then i told them i was going to play BangDi Concerto first. Then i was like waiting for him to say something about the song.. but he didnt.. so i asked him.. whether do i need to play the whole piece throughout or i could choose parts to play. Then he said he'll choose the parts for me to play.. Then the 1st song went quite well.. surprisingly he didnt ask me to play the solo part.. i was hoping to play tt part cos i prac very long le.. that part very shuang to play.. but sad.. lucky too. cos if i play too fast and nervous.. the whole thing flunk liao. The only part which i was scared was the last part of the piece.. but dun need to repeat.. so lucky it went well..

The next song was ZouXiKou concerto.. Then he also chose some parts for me to play.. Hai.. i flunked the man4 ban3.. Cos my Bb da di.. the di mo very tight.. then when i blow halfway, the mouth hole suddenly full of my saliva.. then very slippery.. Kept adjusting it till i lost concertation of the piece and mood.. cos it was to be sad and slow.. hai.. then dunno why i like ran out of breath.. the yin she didnt come out.. Li Zhen lao shi say my qi4 very weak when i blow da di.. Then the fast part i managed to blow well.. i hate da dizi!! so hard.. make my fingers so painful cos' very wide gap then need a lot of qi4.. no energy to blow le.. lol..

Then last song was Bai She Zuan concerto.. hahaha! lucky man.. i was praying he dun ask me to play the kuai ban! cos dunno y these few days i keep flunking the kuai ban.. then last song no more energy to play fast notes le.. i blow till i sweat man! Then it went well.. i played the 2nd half of the kuai ban but was ok.. hehe.. phew.. finally over.. Then Li Zhen lao shi commented on my perf.. he said i played well.. but just that my qi4 very weak when blow da dizi.. then asked me to prac more on it and taught me e correct method of controlling your qi4 and mouth gap for da dizi.. then my 'fa' note was a bit sharp.. then taught me the correct fingering for 'fa' note. =) overall, i think he's a great da shi! hai.. hope PeiQi and I will do well!! but really happy that i did not stop halfway... =)

After that, I wished PeiQi good luck and RUSHED to SCH for my SYCO audition! Shu Rong called me and told me to faster rush to SCH.. Then Min Yi called again and said everyone finish le.. left me.. hai.. so guiltly.. the 3 judges including Lin Xin You lao shi, the new conductor and Guo Chang Shuo lao shi waited for me for 20mins! hai.. then went in and explained and apologised to them.. they so funny.. they were understanding and even joked asked me to treat them to meal.. lol.. made me more guilty.. The audition was super fast man.. like less than 2 mins and i was done! then they waited for so long just for the 2 mins.. -.- lol!!!! but really happy that everything went well today! thank you everyone for giving me so much encouragements, accomodating me and helped me raise my confidence! ^_^

Tomorrow.. stress liao! got recording for my song1.. whee... but havent think of harmony yet.. so hard.. =P

take care everyone~~~~

happy day.. =)

Dear Diary,

hahaha! today so fun.. =))

Morning actually not in a good mood cos' of my father. kept saying that i study till no sch to study.. like i'm so lan4 like tt.. -.-" no choice ma.. so weird rite.. if they wanna introduce this dip in music and audio tech course then they should introduce a degree in local uni.. but too bad.. dun have so only way is to go overseas. my father's mindset so old fashion.. hai.. then he spoiled my mood.. actually didnt wan to go evco.. but need to pass the white snake score for lao shi.. but then.. luckily i went.. lol!!

Then so happy tt today didnt have combine prac.. so we ended quite early. today got a shocked man.. suddenly so many dizi players join evco.. -.-

Then after prac.. jun, ray, derek, jason, daniel, melissa and i went to AMK hub for lunch.. daniel introduce me the korean food.. 1st time eating.. and the food was delicious but ex.. $6.. Then after lunch, we discussed about srsco alumni.. looks like our alumni is dead again.. lol.. hopefully we'll organize a chalet or gathering soon to catch up with e rest ba! After that, went to walk around and jason daniel and melissa left. Btw, today we saw someone that looked very alike to Ghim!

Then later Jun, Ray, Derek and I went to orchard to accompany Ray fix his hp.. his phone the screen got prob cos' accidentally dropped.. but after knowing the price for fixing, he found it too ex.. then i asked them wanna go watch movie then we went to Vivo to watch Hero.. yea..=) we reached there around 3.45pm.. then bought tickets at 6.10pm.. then while waiting, we went to look for hp promotions, drank starbucks.. saw kids riding the fake horseys.. lol.. so funny!! got one elephant the neck so long like a horse.. then got a giraffe the neck like going to break.. lol.. ^^ so funny!!!

Then we bought pop corns and drink and saw the movie.. it was so nice!! luckily i saw last sun's Hero on channel U cos' it'll link with the movie.. the front part a bit confusing.. cos' they had many transitions showing different stories.. but in e end all linked with each other.. Some parts are funny.. but Raymond fell asleep 3 times.. -.-" Takuya Kimura is so cool and handsome!! Also got some ideas for my project to do the sound for a murder/detective video.. =))

Then after the show we went to walk around bought some stuffs and headed home.. Really enjoyed today's outing..thanks for accompanying me my bestest buddies!! =D

tmr onwards must discipline myself le..!! focus and more focus!!!! whahahahaha!!! =P

nights.. gonna edit my new song now.. *.*

an experience..

Dear Diary,

Today so tired again~! haha.. chiew hsia came to my house to swim at around noon.. then we went to steam room for a while and chatted.. so happy! =) then after that went to rivervale plaza for lunch ^^ then she came to my house to do her arranging assignment-song transcription, while i practiced my dizi.. sian la.. i still cannot blow the 3 songs throughout.. will stop one.. hai.. always the same.. think i must overcome my fear of playing wrong notes!! then about 530pm i got ready my stuffs for the performance at Hotel Royal at 730pm.. and we went our separate ways at the

just came home.. and im so tired!! didn't know where is hotel royal located chiew hsia helped me to search the web.. then found out that novena is the nearest mrt there and can take a few buses 2 stops to reach. I thought it would be easy.. but then when i reach there, the bus stop was like so far from the station.. then they say 2 stops but actually only 1 stop.

I thought Hotel Royal sounds very 'Royal' like maybe a 4 or 5 star hotel.. but then the hotel is so old la! more like a 2 star hotel.. the toilet so damn small!! no space for me to change my costume.. speaking of it, sian.. today's performance must wear those china costume.. so luckily i still have my EVCO costume with me cos i borrowed it from the last perf at esplanade.

The performance was so weird la! A few days ago, a lady called Zhong Xiao called me and ask me whether i was free to perform.. 20mins session $60. the price was reasonable. But then i didn't know her.. when she said need to wear 'Tang2 Zhuang1', i declined her offer cos' of the previous bad experience for a gig.. I thought she was the same 'ma fan' person.. but then when i clarified with her then found out is another person and Su Min introduced one then ok.. But, NO SCORES!! must memorize.. we played 'Xi Yang Yang', 'Sai Ma', 'Zhi Zhu Diao', 'Mo Li Hua', 'Yue Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin', 'Yesterday Once More', 'Xiao Cheng Gu Shi' and 'Hua Gu Diao'. -.- all memorize.. and Zhong Xiao who plays the ErHu and I need to stand..then Tan Mo and Su Min can sit cos one is Yang Qin and PiPa..Surprisingly saw TanMo there..long time nv see her le..last saw her at Corel Sec teaching YangQin.. don't know why nowadays got many ppl only want ladies to perform for gigs and they got high expectations one.. cannot be too fat or ugly.. -.-""" diao.. think they wanna copy the 12 girls band.. -.-"

Then the performance was so bad la! I roughly memorized and started practicing a bit today but didnt have all the scores for the songs.. so i basically flunked the perf.. 1st song was Xi Yang Yang.. some of the notes i played wrongly or stuck.. melody somemore.. so embarrassing.. cos we were performing for a dinner then so many eyes were on us.. i was standing in front somemore.. hai.. don't know why.. perform so many times le but still have stage fright..

Then the people in-charge of the concert were so rude man! they even got conflict among themselves and kept rushing us.. so impatient.. hai.. but at least we got our deserved money after e perf.. unlike some of the gigs which i performed.. need to wait so long la!! sianx..i hate things to be delayed!

then after that, we alighted at the wrong stop! wanted to take back to Novena MRT.. but didnt know where were we.. so took bus to Toa Payoh and had our dinner there.. Zhong Xiao was so nice! treated Su Min and I for dinner! she's a friendly lady too =))

So sian la.. i haven't receive my SYCO audition scores!!! next week is audition liao leh! don't know why.. Qing Lun and the rest received le.. but i haven't! there are 2 possibilities.. 1 is the post man sent wrongly.. 2 is they kick me out of syco or didnt receive my reply letter which i sent many days before the deadline.. hai.. so stressed next week! syco audition (if i'm still inside) and my diploma! Don't feel like going to sch.. cos i wann pia my dizi.. but cant leh.. so many assignments and sch work to finish.. argh! next yr syco so lonely again.. i hope not enough ppl then they open e audition again.. then hopefully chu jun or raymond can join! pauline missed the registration.. hai.. dizi so few le.. heard that bing hong is joining.. die.i'm so stressed!

Nowadays like no mood or interest to be in orchestra.. like a bit sian liao.. SPCO i very very long nv go le.. i don't feel like going back too.. so sian.. like no friends.. then EVCO also.. sian liao.. after the esplanade perf and some problems which i gave.. also sian liao.. then SYCO.. don't even know i'm still inside.. but no also good la.. cos like so sian too.. i think im kinda anti-social

but still, DIZI rocks my life!! =))))

projects and more projects!!

Dear Diary,

time passes so fast man.. and i'm like nearer to graduation day.. today my sis received her PSLE results. happy for her that she can go to secondary sch.. hope she'll make many good friends there! =)

hai.. so stressed! so many projects. my POD project just ended last week and now got more HUGE projects to rush.. we need to compose music and sound effects for a 25min video!! hai.. combine with another course. Their story plot is about detective and murder.. must watch more CSI or conan detective shows to get ideas le.. so fan!! due in 1 month plus... then worse thing is that we need to make the whole music in surround sound! 25 mins.. that's so long.. sure will have many ppl fighting for studio..

Today let Jimmy see my POD1 lyrics and so happy man! he finally said my lyrics OK le.. and got improvement.. so i'm gonna re-record it e week after next. My original lyrics 'Huai Nian' was not well written and contradicted between the past and present.. Hope that my this new arrangement or so-called 'new song' specially written for him, will touch his heart ba.. the lyrics and title i'll keep it a secret for now.. wait till i've finished then i'll post it on my future website. =)) hehehe.. but thinking back that i'll need to re-record and re-arrange many many things.. sian liao..

Another headache is arranging module! need to transcribe a song.. due date in less than 3 weeks.. oh man.. then next thurs diploma exam, the week after is Comm skills interview test.. oh man oh man... wanna burst ar!

Today also went out with ZiYi to Vivo..have dinner.. lol.. chatted a bit cos' long time no see le.. thought could watch Hero movie but tickets selling fast so dun think we could get good seats.. so in e end we just walked around and went home.. well, wish him bon voyage for his china trip! =D

sick sick.. *_*

Dear Diary,

hmm.. today very tiring! Morning went to jog with Raymond. He was late again.. lol.. =X Felt so refreshed after running and some stretching.. long time nv have the adrenaline feeling le.. so good man! Hope will run on a daily basics and not once a yr..

After that rushed to sch to support my fellow classmates for their POD presentation.. Then let Jimmy see my POD 1 lyrics.. decided to change my 'Huai Nian' to 'Peng You' but after his usual comments about my lyrics, i had to change my verse and chorus again.. argh! why is it so difficult to write a good lyrics !! So stressed.. headache and stressed! head gonna burst.. always thought my lyrics are good but after letting ppl see it and many comments from them.. i feel so demoralised again.. but i'm glad to have these comments.. cos i can improve and write a better set of lyrics.. hAha.. the difficult thing is that i cant change my melody much cos must stick to the original arrangement but only can edit a bit.. hmm.. hai.. think i'm not suitable to become a songwriter!

Then for arranging class, we learnt about Latin Music! SO many kinds of latin music.. salsa, mambo, chacha, tumbao, songo and etc.. lecturer introduce till i blur cos all sound the same leh!

then went to see doc.. hai.. got a super BIG ulcer inside the centre my throat palate..3 days liao.. pain ar.. and also heart PAIN cos use own money.. i'm broke again.. =( hope to recover soon cos i wanna prac my DIZI!!! /.\

I've made up my mind!

Dear Diary,

What a day today! This morning went for my dizi lesson. Lao shi kept reminding me 2 weeks from now.. Blew the 'zou xi kou' and 'white snake' concertos.. quite ok la.. but need to brush up more.. not enough feelings.. jia you ba! i'm motivated

Then i was late for school! Reached at around 11.15am.. got student dialogue with the director and lecturers.. sian.. i like kena every dialogue each sem..except first yr sem1. -.- But im the okok type so nothing much to say or complain about. Just open my ears and listen =)

After the dialogue, Dr Tan asked me about Keele Uni whether i'm going.. She encouraged me to go and said its a good and rare opportunity. After asking her a few doubts, I somehow got an ease and was encouraged by her words and from Tin Hee too. Dr Tan even told me to apply MDA scholarship or MOE or NAC and said there should be no problem getting financial help from these organisations. Tin Hee even offered to help me with my interview nice of her.. hmm.. i shall go check it out later! =)

Actually i think i'm a SUPER indecisive person.. hai.. even raymond said it too.. lol.. yesterday I set my mind that i'm going to give up this keele uni scholarship cos today need to confirm le. I even planned of what i'm going to do after i graduate. Don't know why suddenly got the interest to become a teacher maybe in pri sch or sec sch.. teach english or music? But i checked online and they say poly diploma cert only can teach pri sch and need to go NIE for 2 yrs training. If u have a degree, just need to go for 1 yr training. Then the pay difference is $500+ if u have a degree rather than a diploma cert.

Looking through the local uni, each course like 3-4 yrs. Then im only interested in socialogy or psychology or maybe hospitality? haha.. i saw there's a degree in Education but need to study 4 yrs. But good thing is that the course is free and u get allowance for the 1st 2 yrs.. but then like cannot do other stuffs.. that's the bad thing.. but got fixed rice bowl.

hmm.. initially i didnt want to go keele cos of a few things.. my father and money prob $18k per yr for 2 yrs after scholarship subsidy.. then another is im afraid i cant cope there cos skip 1st yr.. straight away go 2nd yr.. then friends.. though only 2 yrs but like in 2 yrs many things can happen.. lose in touch.. maybe when i return, my close friends all gone missing le..? hope it wont happen.. then i worry about my jaw.. if its not a major prob then it'll be ok.. then go there all eng speaking.. the instruments are all western.. dunno go there they will accept dizi ma for performance module?

but surprisngly, this morning my mum suddenly told my father about keele uni and that im giving up then wanna go study other stuffs. then they quarrelled bcos of that again. say i 1/2 bucket of water.. go study other things like waste my time in poly. then i say i wanna become a teacher he scolded me say teacher useless and pay very low blah blah blah.. then i so angry..told him that i received e scholarship then u know wad, he said he allow me to go.. $36k he still can afford.. -.- diao.. then i was confused again..

after thinking through for the final time and getting some suggestions from ppl, i decided to go cos i think 2 yrs get a double degree.. music and music tech is very rare.. then when i come back, i wanna become a teacher.. whahaha! =) set liao!

ok.. back to the rest of the day..

sian man.. after the dialogue around 12pm, nothing to do..have to wait in sch till 4pm for my POD2-longing tears presentation.. Then Wee Siong, Edwin, Bo Yuan, Jemie, Louis and I went to FC1 to eat.. damn far man.. but it was all of us bought almost the same food and bubble tea. =D
After eating we went to SPGG to play bowling! long time nv play le.. so fun! we played 3 rounds.. all of us were so funny! kept encouraging and supporting each other to get strike or spar.. =) 1st round Louis was top man.. haha.. then 2nd round was me.. 3rd round was jemie. so funny.. our points improved for each round. =P

then around 3.45pm we left and the guys practised standing board jump to prepare for NAFA.. haha.. all fail for that.. partly cos they were wearing

then sian.. the presentation started at around 4.30pm.. then my turn was at around 5.45pm.. but everything was ok.. im so glad that the lecturers gave quite good comments..just that the dizi was not recorded nicely..but now i know.. must set the mic higher and in omni direction.. =) hard work so-called paid off.. but still need more improvement to make my piece even better!

jia you ba everyone! more assignments coming up.. so stressed! but i love stress!! haha

just now inside train so irritating.. suddenly got 2 weird uncles quarrelling. 1 was standing then the other was sitting. then they kept scolding all kinds of hokkien vulgarities despite many ppl staring at them.. so pissed off la.. if wan to quarrel then don't do it in public. they think they acting in disgusted by their childish actions.. they almost ended up beating each other when we reached buangkok mrt.. nobody seemed to bother about them too until when we reached SK.. but dunno wad happened after tt la.. hope they are ok liao..

oh well.. =)


Dear Diary,

I'm confused.. stressed up..confused..stressed up..confused and so stressed up!!


gonna discipline myself le!! no more fun, day-dreaming and play.. but DIZI DIZI DIZI...! dream also must dream of my 3 concerto pieces! lol~

more projects and assignments coming and due.. this fri presentation for my Longing(Long-ing) Tears. Heard that lecturers are becoming more EVIL! Even the most lenient lecturer seemed to become the Devil.. -.-

hmm.. can friendship last? Can we even predict whether it will last? What is true friendship? How to secure a friendship? haha..

hahas.. some weird random qns that i've been asking myself..

hmm.. keep thinking of what am i going to do after I graduate from poly.. go local uni study some other course or go study teaching and become a teacher? or go keele uni so i can get my double degree in 2 yrs time? go china study dizi for 4 yrs and become a musician? or go work in some companies? gosh.. im so confused! I don't even know what i wanna be or do!

and how do you pronounce Lettuce?
haha.. its pronounced as 'Letters' and not 'let-tuce'.. but most of us pronounced it the wrong random again..

i must stay strong!!!! jia you jia you jia you!!! ^^

Nightmare!! *_*

Dear Diary..

these few days having a lot of nightmares!! *_* haix..

1st nightmare.. was about a group of CO friends and i went to some shopping centre.. then don't know why my wallet suddenly lost.. then searched the entire mall then suddenly met Li Hua.. ( don't know why dreamt about her) lol.. then she found my wallet.. then when i opened, my money all lost.. then i thought my atm, IC and ezlink card were still intact.. but then when i looked closely at the card, it was not my name.. and then the card wrote something like die or some inauspicious words and curses. so scary la! /.\

2nd nightmare..was about EVCO.. don't know why Zhenglaoshi suddenly scolded me in front of everyone and my solo parts were suddenly given to my friend who just came back.. then I so angry, I threw the scores on the floor and stomped out of the room. Then the funny thing was i expected ChuJun Raymond or Derek to run out of the room to find me.. But they didnt bother.. scary sia.. then like that, I just quit EVCO.. (in reality, i really thought of quitting but just she bu de cos joined EVCO since 2003) /.\

3rd nightmare..was about myself.. don't know why keep running. so scary la.. someone wanted to kill i ran around the mall to hide and disguise myself..forgot in e end what happened le.. /.\

hai.. so confused! Actually, I don't wanna go Keele Uni also cos of the 1st nightmare.. my mum also dreamt that I went overseas to study then she received a bad news saying to go back to collect my body.. hai.. touchwood! /.\

but then if i don't go, am i missing out an opportunity?? received the scholarship le.. just need a reply.. hai..

I hate my jaw.. until now still havent ok.. really scared i got the rheumatoid arthritis..then i'm DEAD!! will become a Fei Ren.. what the doc suspect.. but hope after the checkup at GH, its just some small inflammation ba../.\ (pray hard!!)

3 more weeks my DIZI DIP EXAM LE!! 29NOV! just received the letter today.. how!!! I'm not prepared yet!! STRESSEDDDDD.....

btw, heard my meimei got top in english for her prelims and good progress award! yEah.. so happy for her la.. hope she'll do well for her PSLE! ^^

off to swimming with chiew hsia le.. =D

i wanna slim down!! =X

What a Day!

Here's my first ever own blog created by RAYMOND! ^_^ THANK YOU SO MUCH! =D
Didn't expect that I'll ever have my own blog cos' i'm nuts at html and com stuffs. LOL! Thanks for spending so much time and effort! touched! =') hehehe.. =P

Hmm, yesterday had a really long day!! Around 1pm went to meet Louis for lunch at Takashimaya. Then BoYuan and Clef joined us later to go Kinokuniya buy some stuffs. After that sian la.. Louis, Wee Siong, Bo Yuan and I had to go back to sch to attend Principal's farewell ceremony at convention centre cos we're the class reps.. if not can stay at home slack longer cos lessons cancelled.. 5days of so-called holiday cos fri no sch! Yahoo!

Surprisingly, on the way home I saw YiJun and Hilda.. hahas! Long time nv see them le.. they were going back to Srs.. next week they got camp.. don't know whether should i go back or not..

Then when we reached sch, so many student-reps of different schs, CCA and classes were crowded at the convention centre.. then so funny. We were given a light-stick and a song sheet to sing two songs for the Principal, Mr. Low Wong Fook. The programmes were ok..but don't know why SPCO nv

I liked the part when Mr Low and his wife went up stage and danced for us! So brave!
I think SP will really miss Mr Low cos I have seen him in person a few times esp during the LTC'06 and he's really friendly! Well, wish him all the best ba~! ^^ Hope the new principal is ok too.. heard that he was strict at NP as vice-principal..opps.. =X

Then after that was reception time! hehehe.. i love food..

Around 7pm went to meet Angie, Jason, Ben, Quanlin and JJ at PS.. Then we went to arcade at Paradise Centre. So fun! Loong and XX joined us later at the foodcourt. Then around 11pm we went to Cineleisure Cathay to meet Daniel and Raymond.. whaha.. then the 10 of us went to sing Kbox from 12am-6am! -.- It was fun but tiring.. think i'm the one who needs to keep refilling my energy.. /.\

yeah.. we rock! ^^ take care everyone~

-Specially for you-

Hi Sis,
I have created this blog specially for you, hope you like it!
Your Brother,
Ray ^^
