Dear Diary,
I've found a job already.. and I'm finally moving on with my life! yAy!! =) I'll be starting my 1st day of work on 28 July from 9am-6pm..hee.. I'm really looking forward to my first perm job!! So jia you ba, Joyce!! =)
Hmm.. sent the email to keele uni and dr tan.. but they didnt reply me.. haix.. don't know whether they received it or not.. or perhaps too disappointed in me?
Anyway, I am going to participate in this yr's NAC.. ensemble and solo de.. I will work hard towards my goal!! =) I was thinking.. if I get into top 3, I shall try auditing to go China study DiZi.. haha.. so must work hard, JOyce!!
Hmm.. I still got one yr to think carefully.. and next year I will make sure I make my one decision and stick on with it! I will not repeat my mistake again!!
thanks to everyone who kept supporting me and encouraging me all the way.. if not I think I already landed up in mental hospital due to severe depression.. lol! Thanks for being so patient with me and my indecisiveness. Thanks for supporting my decision, my dear friends!! And thanks for being so concerned about me too.. the girls and the guys..hee.. =))
I feel so assured now.. and I'll remember our traffic light vow =))
Dear Diary,
I made my final decision on Mon, 14 July 2008
I have decided not to go to Keele University this yr..
These 2 weeks have been busy going for job interviews.. keeping myself busy is the best way for me not to keep on dwelling about my decisions..
and I am going to settle down and find a full time job and work for a yr then I shall apply university next yr! =)
Tmr going down to company to sign up job application.. hee.. their pay quite good.. at least its better then e other interviews I went to.. may everything go well for me tmr!
I was super busy the whole of yesterday la!
Went down to Hollywood Recording Studio at 11am to help Fang Lao Shi for a River Cruise Commentary project..
Its been like 1 yr plus since I been into the studio! Kinda miss the time there with Surin, Yue Ting and Puay Chin..
And the studio changed soo much!
SUPER MESSY LA! the Mackie mixer they didnt use le.. and I was so lost with the controls!
I made so many mistakes yesterday! super paiseh and irritated!
1st thing.. no sound when we play the audio file from protools!!
I was totally lost to why no sound! I asked Fang Lao Shi whether the speaker was on.. and he said yes..then I didnt know what was wrong.. the mixer was the bigger one that we didnt use during attachment last yr.. I was totally lost about the controls and which one was the control for the volume.. and so called Surin to ask her.. She's not working there le.. so whatever has changed there she was totally clueless too..
and Fang Lao Shi called Ah Yan and finally found the problem.. we didnt on the speaker switch..which was below the cpu -.- I didnt know there was a on switch for the speakers.. cos even the speakers have changed.. not the ones I used during attachment..
Then this one solve le.. another problem came in.. Fang Lao Shi wanted me to burn half of the 60min audio as the other half has not been mixed yet.
Then so Qi Si Ren! When the audio was about the finish.. just a few seconds more, the cpu suddenly not enough procession power cos' they using normal windows PC.. not mac.. then sian.. wasted half an hour waiting for nothing.. Then no audio file too.. cos' I clicked convert audio file after bouncing.. so to save the processing power.. but still.. hai
Then I forgot how to do the other step besides boucing the audio file to disk..
I didnt dare to call Surin to ask her this if not sure kena scolded by there.. like all her teachings have been returned back to her.. =x
Fang Lao Shi was clueless about protools..and the system there too..
So ended up calling Yue Ting.. luckily she told me of the other step.. to create another new stereo track and taking all the output tracks of the audio files and bus them to the input of the stereo track.. and then record it.. oh man! how could i forgot this simple step! But relaly thanked her for her help! haha.. cos I kept calling and asking her questions for help.. =x
Then after that ok le..
Another problem again..
Cos' the stereo track is in L and R.. so 2 separate tracks.. then we needed to burn into an audio CD for the client.. then I didnt know what else to make the 2 tracks together.. so called yue ting again.. she also didnt know.. and the only thing we thought of was to import both the tracks into a new session and bounce again.. which will take another 30 mins -.- that was a bit ridiculous.. and waste of time.. I was so scared I might gave a really bad 1st time impression to Fang Lao Shi like I was really a noob..
Then he said it was ok.. we just burn both the tracks onto the CD.. and after burning it.. we played on another CD player.. cos' that computer didnt install a sound device -.- so pathetic la.. then cant play itunes or window media player.. -.- I thought something was wrong with the cd..but it was just that the computer didnt have a sound.. the protools sound device is connected to protools hardware device itself to the speaker.. so not to the computer..
BUT then.. the CD couldnt be played with the the player.. then fang lao shi used his other cds and tested.. and could be played.. but the CD couldnt be played.. got the CD duration.. but the track didnt move.. -.-
So thought the player couldnt read AIFF file cos we burned AIFF.. so went to try again.. and I called Surin.. Then she told me of the 'export region to files'.. which we all learnt during attachment last yr! so paiseh la.. forgot all about it too!! Then once we export that region to files, the L and R will become one stereo file! then i faster called yue ting to tell! she also forgot!!
Then after that, I tried to export as WAV. file instead of AIFF. file.. then wasted a lot of time to burn it again.. and checked but still couldnt be played..
Called surin again.. haix.. so paiseh kept calling her..
Then she told us to burn in x4 instead of x48.. cos' maybe the CD too old or the burner not good..
then tried.. x4.. taking even more time to burn.. but still cant.. but then the weird thing was when we imported the CD to Protools, the song could be played.. and so should be either the format of the cd was wrong or the cd player cannot read this cd.. but the format is correct leh.. audio cd.. can be played in computer and cd player..
anyway.. we ended around 230pm.. and fang lao shi fetched me to tampines mrt.. then he tried playing the cd in his car.. surprinsingly, it could be played! yay! I heaved a sigh of relief!
Then I went home first.. cos' nothing to do till 8pm.. then later met chiew hsia at 615pm at chinatown for dinner.. and chatted with her =) hee.. then she accompanied take train to simei while she alighted at pasir ris =) thanks!!
then 8pm reached hollywood recording studio again.. part II of the job.. this time.. the client came down.. and she's actually a DJ from 91.3FM.. called Denise =) she was the one who did the vocals and script for the rivercruise commentary. =)
It was a great pleasure to meet her.. and she was really very friendly.. =)
everything was going well.. with the editing of the 2nd half of the whole project..
until.. when denise had to record a few sentences of her script as it was not recorded well the previous time by another engineer..
I didnt know which mixer to use.. and cos' her mic levels were too soft and I didnt know which button to push up.. the last time I did was using the Mackie mixer but now its another thing.. so I spent quite a while finding the sound.. and Fang Lao Shi also helped me.. so we experimented the faders and see if the levels were ok.. until.. we played the song.. and "BOOM" worse still, Denise was with her headphones on.. and OH MAN!!
THAT WAS THE WORSE THING I'VE EVER DID IN A RECORDING SESSION! I almost made her deaf.. she was like 'argh'.. cos' it was painful.. haix.. I felt so guilty.. and then the talkback mic we didnt know which switch to press.. and we couldnt communicate with her.. then it was until a while later after figuring out which button to push up.. Fang Lao Shi told me Mr Goh was there.. and I quckily knocked into his door and asked him deperately for help.. haix.. and then the gain was at the protools hardware itself.. -.-
stupid me! >.<
Then after that, felt very bad.. and apologised to her again.. but she was very forgiving and nice.. =) phew~!
then the rest of the time there was ok.. hee.. we did till around 130am and she drove me both of us were very bad at directions.. and I gave her the wrong directions to my house.. so drove one big round.. -.-
then today super busy too..
so tired!!
Dear Diary,
Yoyo! Yesterday had two great outings! =)
Met mum's bestest friend (Karin) with her twin daughters (Kimberly and Natacha) from Belgium who came to SG for a month holiday.. Met them at Seng Kang MRT and we took the train down to City Hall to meet Ah Jie, Rachel and her maid..
Auntie Karin's daughters are so beautiful and friendly.. =)) hehe.. had a great chat with them inside the train and I also got to know more about Belgium's culture and school life.. so cool! hee.. they're both 17 this yr and already in high school coming yr 2 before they graduate with a degree.. cool rite.. so young! From what they say.. their education system is like 6 yrs pri sch, 6 yrs sec sch and 2 yrs of high sch/university.. and they go into pri 1 like around 5 or 6yrs..
their shops closes at 6pm cos' its already dark.. and they don't have a lot of shopping malls like in SG.. they mostly have houses.. which are either connected or separated and the distance from their house to shopping malls is quite far..
haha.. then their school is so funky! they can learn driving at 18yrs old.. in their school! and it's for free!! they only need to pay about $2euros..about SGD$4 for the driving test! OH MAN!!
So if anyone wants to learn driving.. go study in!
so cool! their adult age is 18yrs old unlike SG which is 21.. and their weather for summer is like 20degrees.. while and winter it can be minus..
so cool la!! haha.. they usually eat potatoes, pastas.. and surprisingly Belgium doesnt have KFC!! only macs and pizza huts.. dun even have subways.. -.-
wow.. haha.. kinda cool to know more about them.. and the the twins learn so many languages..
their 1st language is Dutch, 2nd is French and 3rd which is English.. the 1st 3 languages are compulsory.. the 4th language theat they're taking is German.. gosh.. so many.. i wonder how they can cope with all of them without getting confused!
Their PE lessons so cool too! they have different sports activities each week.. and its like 2hrs per PE lesson.. they must learn dancing, rope skipping, and all kinds of different sports.. they even have amazing races in school which are graded too! so funky!
=) then ah jie treated us all to Lerk Thai Food at Marina Sq.. Congrats to her for being promoted to a Chemist! =))
Then after the delicious lunch, mum and ah jie plus rachel and her maid went to orchard to shop.. while I showed auntie karin and her 2 daughters around SG.. we went to the Esplanade, Merlion, SunTec Fountain.. the weather was super warm.. kept on sweating.. especially was walking around with my laptop. but it was fun to go out with them.. they are very friendly and nice! hee.. really hoping to take them to the escape theme park or downtown east or pasir ris park before they leave SG on the 23July.. =))
After that, I went for another job interview at 4plus.. the interview took quite long as the boss asked me a lot of questions but he was veyr friendly, straightforward and nice.. but one thing that i may not consider for the job is that the pay is too low.. 1 month $600.. -.- haix.. though i need to work only 30hrs per week.. but weekends also need to work.. haix..
im so confused.. auntie karin asked me to go UK..
after that, went to meet Raymond, Regina, Tobias and Samuel at Hougang KBox for singing till around 2am.. hee.. it was quite fun to hang out with his friends.. now my turn le.. but quite funny and fun! Tobias has a great voice.. sounds like some singer's voice.. =) samuel sang till so funny and low.. lol!! he's a great joker and! Regina also sang well.. =) Raymond too.. but think the 3 guys not enough sleep.. ton the whole night for projects.. poor thing.. We also took a lot of photos.. with Regina.. looking forward to the photos! yeah!
Anyway, today the 3 of us will be going down for a singing audition at bugis.. hope all is well.. jia you jia you! But before that, im gonna meet up with Ms Louisa Ng for lunch! yeah!! so happy!!!
Me, Natacha and Kimberly

Auntie Karin and Mum
Dear Diary,
Currently reading a book 'The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. Really nice book..hee.. intro by Pauline =)
Yesterday went to school with Yue Ting to attend a welcome party for 6 keele students and Prof Mike who came down for a 1-month stay with the current DMAT students.. so cool.. Then all our lecturers were there =) Couldnt remember if Geoff was there.. didnt really see
but happy cos finally got to give Tin Hee and Erica their gift I bought from Taiwan..didnt see them during graduation..
then had some chat with them.. but didnt take photo =(
anyway, can take next time! =)
then after that, went to dhoby ghaut with yue ting.. while waiting for chiew hsia to give her a surprise, we went to the arcade to play..hehe.. so fun!
Chiew Hsia and Yue Ting were supposed to meet to study for their uni..but in e end, we ended up!! had a great chat with them.. and got to know more about each other's past.. =))
hope our friendship will go on even after everyone moves on with their life whether is it working or studying..
Dear Diary,
=) finally redo my "Bu4 Xiang3 Liu2 Nian4" song.. i still feel that the song's mix and arrangement still not really good.. but still can listen
i also included my another original song "Zui4 Zhong4 Yao4 De4 Zhi1 Ji1" in the 3rd track.. ^_^
I love these 2 songs =))
Hope You all will like it!